A productive day ‘off’

This morning started out with turning off my alarm set for 5.30 and then waking at 7.30 with my toddler sprawled across our bed almost pushing me over the side. I only have a vague recollection of carrying her into our room and my husband going upstairs to sleep. Yes another one of those things I thought I’d never do…however one soon lets go of preconceived ideals out of pure desperation for sleep! I had been doing very well with my new routine of getting up early to fit in exercise and a shower before Ella woke each morning…however today; well it just wasn’t going to happen.

To be honest I enjoyed the lay in with my baby; and had planned to attend a  yoga class this morning anyway, so I didn’t spin out about missing my morning exercise. That was until Ella decided to act like a typical trying two year old, funny about that right!. Lets just say that may  have been the calm before the storm. Everything was a drama as I attempted to get Ella ready for day care…right up until we were in the car driving to the centre when she said ‘ I sorry, I was being silly this morning ‘. To which I felt extremely guilty; I am usually quite patient  but this morning…well I did get cross. Of course I told her I loved her numerous  times hoping she’d  remember that rather than me getting grumpy.

Yoga…perfect timing… I usually go once a week of an evening when my husband is home, but find it hard to make any other session time. Just by chance I saw a different yoga class advertise, 9.30 Friday mornings…perfect as Ella is at day care and I don’t start work until 11am each fortnight. Yes that means that on the alternate Friday I have a ‘day off’; which really means catching up on house work, paying bills and doing all those mundane tasks that are put in the ‘do later’ basket! Today one task was calling centrelink, after being on hold for 40 minutes  i was directed to the website self service page. It was a little frustrating, however i am grateful its done now though. I do often wonder how other people manage with these services; given I as an educated person finds it confusing. Anyway i could go on about being the only under 50 year old at yoga this morning and about Ella describing that my husband smelt like ‘dog poo’ but I’ll leave it there. Sleep is calling after a productive day ‘off’

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